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Callback Bar

Open Mic

Join Marcus Mangham for a lively happy hour open mic at the Callback Bar, inside Sacramento's premier comedy club, Punch Line Sacramento. New and returning comedians are invited to take the stage and showcase their material.

Signups open at noon the day before; the first five to email secure a guaranteed spot, while others can enter a raffle upon arrival. Bringing ticketed guests earns you additional raffle entries, increasing your chances of performing. Come with friends, enjoy drink and appetizer specials, and support Sacramento's vibrant local comedy scene!

Pre-Show Happy Hour

Swing by early for a pre-show drink or bite and skip the line! Night-of-show patrons of Callback Bar have priority to enter the Show Room ahead of the regular line. Proof of purchase required before Show Room opens. Items purchased at Callback Bar do not count toward the two-drink minimum per person inside the Show Room.